Thursday 2 July 2009

Arrival and first report from Ruairi and Theo

Hi all!

Arrival in Delhi was successful!

Well, after having been horrifically separated from our fellow WAM-ers right at the beginning of our trip, Theo V and I (Ruairi) got settled in to our lovely room at the guest house, which most crucially is air-conditioned. Had this not been the case we might well be dead by now due to the sauna-like temperatures outside. On the downside however, the TV does not subscribe to the channel showing the Wimbledon matches, meaning much aggravation on my part.

Anyway, we're all due to meet tomorrow at the British embassy before we finally do depart for good (said with pangs of melancholy!). That's going to be great fun and I'm planning to drag everyone out for a meal before we go (time permitting obviously).

Finally, it's probably worth mentioning that Theo and I have absolutely no idea where we are in relation to the rest of Delhi! We've got ourselves kitted out with local phones, so we're all "wired up", but neverthless haven't managed to gain any sense of orientation...yet. I'm sure this is due to change as we become more acclimatised.

In the meanwhile, we're really enjoying the exotic smells and bustling streets, but having less fun with the more horrible smells and lack of pavements...

That's about it for now,

See you soon!

Ruairi (and Theo)

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